Political and Credit risks

Political risk and non-payment insurance for complex projects

Non-payment and political risks insurance: irrevocable and tailor-made for complex, long-term projects

Coface's Single Risk Department helps cover your most complicated transactions on long-term maturities that fall outside the standard trade credit insurance framework. And it’s irrevocable!

  • Flexibility

    You maintain control over which buyers are analysed and the types of risk to cover (political, commercial or both).

  • Irrevocable

    Single Risk cover is irrevocable for the entire duration of your transaction

  • Tailor-made

    Every request is analysed individually with made-to-measure pricing

  • Freedom

    You’re free to choose which commercial transactions you guarantee (no account receivables to entrust to us).

  • Long-term

    Up to 8 years of guarantee for private buyers and 10 years for public buyers.

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Who is political and credit risk cover made for?

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Are you a small or mid-cap company, a corporation  or financial institution? Do you want  to protect your transactions: sales, purchase or import contracts? Or cover your financing or investments (letters of credit, rental of tangible or intangible equipment, export financing, etc.)?

Coface helps you with our custom-built coverage, providing protection against the risks of non-payment and political risks that could occur during the duration of your transactions.

Our cover is suitable for one-off or ongoing transactions that require non-cancellable commitments over long periods.

Who is political and credit risk cover made for?


Our areas of expertise:

Capital goods: construction equipment, pipelines, production lines, industrial machinery

Infrastructure: trains, subways, airports, port facilities, roads

Energy: power stations, wind farms, power grids

Defence: ships, submarines, aviation, satellites and radars

Financing: letters of credit, repurchase of receivables, export pre-financing, etc.

IT: software licences, medical equipment

How does political and credit risk coverage work?

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No matter what your requirements are, a specialist team will take charge of your request, analyse your situation and draw up the best solution with you to facilitate your transactions in Japan and abroad.

Every request is analysed individually with made-to-measure pricing.

You are free to choose which commercial transactions you guarantee (no account receivables to entrust to us).

How does political and credit risk coverage work?


You maintain control over which buyers are analysed and the types of risk to cover (political, commercial or both).

You enjoy bespoke, leading-edge coverage for your one-off contracts, complex transactions, investments or the financing you provide.

You benefit from scalable guarantees so that the protection is perfectly tailored to your profile and changes in your business activities.

What risks are covered?

Policies with a public buyer

For a contract and financing with a public buyer, our insurance partners in Japan provide for the following risks:

• Non-payment

• Unilateral termination of contracts

• unfair calling of bonds

• Inconvertibility and non-transfer

Contracts and financing with a private buyer

For a contract and financing with a private buyer, Coface group through its insurance company partners in Japan will provide  for the following risks:

• Non-payment and insolvency

• Inconvertibility and non-transfer

• Interruption of contract

• unfair calling of bonds


Investments, assets, subsidiaries and holdings abroad

For overseas investments and assets or subsidiaries and holdings, our insurance partners in Japan will provide for the following risks:

• Embargos

• Armed conflicts, riots, strikes, wars and acts of terrorism

• Confiscation, expropriation, nationalisation and dispossession

• Changes in legislation

Frequently Asked Questions

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